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سطر 24:
وكان تصنيف سمك الجريث مثارًا للجدل. وتكمن المشكلة في تحديد هل سمك الجريث في حد ذاته نوع تابع للأسماك الفقارية (حيث يرتبط بشكل كبير للغاية بأسماك الأنقليس)، أو أنه يمثل مرحلة تسبق تطور العمود الفقري (كما هو الحال مع سمك الرميح). ويقوم النظام الأصلي بتجميع سمك الجريث والأنقليس معًا تحت فئة سايكلوستومس (cyclostomes) (أو بشكل تاريخي لافكيات (Agnatha))، على أنها أقدم فرع حيوي مازال موجودًا من الفقاريات بالإضافة إلى جناثوستومس (gnathostomes) (وهي الفقاريات ذات الفك المنتشرة حاليًا في كل مكان). وقد اقترح نظامًا بديلاً أن الفقاريات ذات الفك ترتبط بشكل أكبر بالأنقليس من ارتباطها بالجريث (أي أن الفقاريات تشتمل على الأنقليس ولكنها لا تشتمل على الجريث)، وقام بتقديم الفئة كرانياتا (craniata) لتجميع الفقاريات التي تشبه الجريث. وقد دعمت أدلة حديثة معتمدة على الحمض النووي DNA النظام الأصلي.<ref>Janvier, P. 2010. "MicroRNAs revive old views about jawless vertebrate divergence and evolution." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 107:19137-19138. [http://www.pnas.org/content/107/45/19137.full.pdf+html] "''Although I was among the early supporters of vertebrate paraphyly, I am impressed by the evidence provided by Heimberg et al. and prepared to admit that cyclostomes are, in fact, monophyletic. The consequence is that they may tell us little, if anything, about the dawn of vertebrate evolution, except that the intuitions of 19th century zoologists were correct in assuming that these odd vertebrates (notably, hagfishes) are strongly degenerate and have lost many characters over time.''"</ref>
<!--- marine [[craniates]] of the class [[Agnatha]] or '''Myxini''', also known as '''Hyperotreti'''. Some researchers regard Myxini as not belonging to the [[phylum|subphylum]] [[Vertebrata]].<ref>[[Neil A. Campbell|N. A. Campbell]] and [[Jane Reece|J. B. Reece]] (2005). ''Biology'' Seventh Edition. Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco CA.</ref> That is, they are the only living animals that have a . Despite their name, there is some debate about whether they are strictly [[fish]] (as there is for [[lamprey]]s), since they belong to a much more primitive lineage than any other group that is placed in the category of [[fish]] ([[Chondrichthyes]] and [[Osteichthyes]]). The earliest fossil record dates back approximately 550 million years, or earlier to the [[Lower Cambrian]] period.<ref>http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v402/n6757/abs/402042a0.html</ref>
marine [[craniates]] of the class [[Agnatha]] or '''Myxini''', also known as '''Hyperotreti'''. Some researchers regard Myxini as not belonging to the [[phylum|subphylum]] [[Vertebrata]].<ref>[[Neil A. Campbell|N. A. Campbell]] and [[Jane Reece|J. B. Reece]] (2005). ''Biology'' Seventh Edition. Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco CA.</ref> That is, they are the only living animals that have a . Despite their name, there is some debate about whether they are strictly [[fish]] (as there is for [[lamprey]]s), since they belong to a much more primitive lineage than any other group that is placed in the category of [[fish]] ([[Chondrichthyes]] and [[Osteichthyes]]). The earliest fossil record dates back approximately 550 million years, or earlier to the [[Lower Cambrian]] period.<ref>http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v402/n6757/abs/402042a0.html</ref>
Their unusual feeding habits and [[mucus|slime]]-producing capabilities have led members of the scientific community and popular media to dub the hagfish as the most "disgusting" of all sea creatures.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.uri.edu/news/releases/html/02-0325-01.html|title=Friends of Oceanography Public Lecture Series - Explores the Strange, Wondrous, and Disgusting Hagfish|date=2002-03-25|publisher=University of Rhode Island|accessdate=2008-02-19}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ntnu.no/gemini/2003-06e/26-27.htm|title=Slimy, disgusting and useful|publisher=Norwegian University of Science and Technology|accessdate=2008-02-19}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/04deepscope/logs/aug9/aug9.html|title=Disgusting Hagfish and Magnificent Sharks|last=Frank|first=Tammy|date=2004-08-09|publisher=NOAA Ocean Explorer|accessdate=2008-02-19}}</ref> Although hagfish are sometimes called "slime eels", they are not [[eel]]s at all.<ref>[http://www.seasky.org/monsters/sea7a1q.html Sea and Sky: Atlantic Hagfish<!-- Bot generated title --->
== ملاحظات ==
== المراجع ==
* {{FishBase family|family=Myxinidae|year=2011|month=February}}
* {{cite journal|doi=10.1643/0045-8511(2006)6[225:ANSOGS]2.0.CO;2|url=http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1643%2F0045/0045-8511%282006%296%5B225%3AANSOGS%5D2(2006)6[225:ANSOGS]2.0.CO%3B2;2|last1=Mincarone|first1=Michael M.|last2=Stewart|first2=Andrew L.|title=New species ''Eptatretus goliath''|journal=BIOONE Online Journals|volume=6|issue=2|page=225|accessdate=2008-02-19|year=2006|issn=0045-8511}}
* {{cite book|author=J.M. Jørgensen, J.P. Lomholt, R.E. Weber and H. Malte (eds.)|title=The biology of hagfishes|location=London|publisher=Chapman & Hall|year=1997}}
* {{cite journal|author=Delarbre ''et al.''|year=2002|title=Complete Mitochondrial DNA of the Hagfish, Eptatretus burgeri: The Comparative Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Sequences Strongly Supports the Cyclostome Monophyly|journal=Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution|volume=22|issue=2|pages=184–192|doi=10.1006/mpev.2001.1045|pmid=11820840|last2=Gallut|first2=C|last3=Barriel|first3=V|last4=Janvier|first4=P|last5=Gachelin|first5=G}}
* {{cite journal|author=Bondareva and Schmidt|year=2003|title=Early Vertebrate Evolution of the TATA-Binding Protein, TBP|journal=Molecular Biology and Evolution|volume=20|issue=11|pages=1932–1939|doi=10.1093/molbev/msg205|pmid=12885957|last2=Schmidt|first2=EE|pmc=2577151}}
* Ewoldt, R. H., Winegard, T. M. and Fudge D. S. (2010). Non-linear viscoelasticity of hagfish slime. Int. J. Lin. Mech. 46: 627-636.
* Fudge, D. (2001). [http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=4223151 ''Hagfishes: Champions of Slime''] Nature Australia, Spring 2001 ed., Australian Museum Trust, Sydney. pp.&nbsp;61–69.
* Fudge, D. S., Gardner, K. H., Forsyth, V. T., Riekel, C. and Gosline, J. M. (2003) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1303373/ "The mechanical properties of hydrated intermediate filaments: Insights from hagfish gland thread cells"] ''Biophys. J.'' '''85''': 2015–2027.
* Fudge, D. S., Hillis, S., Levy, N. and Gosline, J. M. (2010) [http://www.comparativephys.ca/system/files/Fudge_etal_Bioinspir%2526Biomim26Biomim.pdf "Hagfish slime threads as a biomimetic model for high performance protein fibres"] ''Bioinsp. Biomim.'' '''5''': 1–8.
* Fudge, D. S., Levy, N., Chiu, S. and Gosline, J. M. (2005) [http://jeb.biologists.org/content/208/24/4613.full "Composition, morphology and mechanics of hagfish slime"] ''J. Exp. Biol.'' '''208''': 4613–4625.
* Lim, J., Fudge, D. S., Levy, N. and Gosline, J. M. (2006) [http://jeb.biologists.org/content/209/4/702.full "Hagfish slime ecomechanics: testing the gill-clogging hypothesis"] ''J. Exp. Biol.'' '''209''': 702–710.
* Winegard, T. M. and Fudge, D. S. (2010) [http://jeb.biologists.org/content/213/8/1235.full "Deployment of hagfish slime thread skeins requires the transmission of mixing forces via mucin strands"] ''J. Exp. Biol.'' '''213''': 1235–1240.
== كتابات أخرى ==
* Bardack, D. (1991). First fossil hagfish (Myxinoidea): a record from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Science, 254, 701-703.
* Bardack, D., and Richardson, E. S. Jr. (1977). New agnathous fishes from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology, 33, 489-510.
* Brodal, A. and Fänge, R. (ed.) (1963). The Biology of Myxine, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.
* Fernholm, B. and Holmberg, K. (1975). The eyes in three genera of hagfish (Eptatretus, Paramyxine and Myxine) - A case of degenerative evolution. Vision Research, 15, 253-259.
* Hardisty, M. W. (1982). Lampreys and hagfishes: Analysis of cyclostome relationships. In The Biology of Lampreys, (ed. M. W. Hardisty and I. C. Potter), Vol.4B, pp.&nbsp;165–259. Academic Press, London.
* Janvier, P. (1996). Early vertebrates. Oxford Monographs in Geology and Geophysics, 33, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
* Marinelli, W. and Strenger, A. (1956). Vergleichende Anatomie und Morphologie der Wirberltiere. Myxine glutinosa. Franz Deuticke, Vienna.
* Yalden, D.W. (1985). Feeding mechanisms as evidence for cyclostome monophyly. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 84, 291-300.
* Stock, D. W. and Whitt, G. S. (1992). Evidence from 18S ribosomal RNA that lampreys and hagfishes form a natural group. Science, 257, 787-789.
== وصلات خارجية ==
{{تصنيف كومنز|Myxinidae}}
* [http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/FamilySummary.cfm?ID=2 FishBase entry for Myxinidae]
* [http://oceanlink.island.net/oinfo/hagfish/hagfish.html OceanLink description of hagfish]
* [http://www.tellapallet.com/tree_of_life.htm Tree of life illustration showing hagfish's relation to other organisms]
* {{يوتيوب|NYRr_MrjebA|YouTube 5+ minute video of Scripps scientist/diver on hagfish}}
* [http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1597296/hagfish_and_the_disgusting_slime/ Metacafe video of a University of Alberta grad student showing slime production of hagfish while in Bamfield, British Columbia]
* [http://www.3news.co.nz/Beware-the-hagfish---repeller-of-sharks/tabid/1216/articleID/231051/Default.aspx Beware the hagfish - repeller of sharks] ''3 News'', 28 Oct 2011. Video.
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