توحيدية (مسيحية): الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
سطر 21:
== التاريخ==
{{رئيسي|تاريخ الحركة الكنسية التوحيدية}}
توحيديه، على حد سواء باعتبارها لاهوتية عائلة الكنائس ،تختص ل ب[[الطوائف المسيحية |الطوائف المسيحية]] تم تعريفها وتطويرها في خمس دول هي: بولندا، ترانسيلفانيا، انكلترا وويلز وأمريكا. وإن كانت هناك المعتقدات المشتركة بين الموحدين في كل من هذه المناطق، وأنها نمت في البداية بشكل مستقل عن بعضها البعض. في وقت لاحق فقط أنها لم تؤثر على بعضها البعض، وجمعت المزيد من أوجه التشابه.<ref>"Theالحركة religiousالدينية movementالتي whoseنسعى historyلتتبع weالتاريخ are endeavoring to trace...became fullyأصبح developedمتطورة inبالكامل thoughtفي andالفكر polityونظام inالحكم onlyفي fourأربعة countries,بلدان oneفقط، afterواحدا another,تلو namelyالآخر، Poland,وهما Transylvania,بولندا، Englandترانسيلفانيا، andإنجلترا Americaوأمريكا. Butولكن inفي eachكل ofمن theseهذه itأنها showed,ظهرت، alongجنبا withإلى certainجنب individualمع characteristics,بعض aالخصائص generalالفردية، spirit,والروح aالعامة، commonنقاطا pointمشتركة ofللعرض، view,والنمط andالعقائدي aالذي doctrinalيغري patternواحدا thatليعتبرونهم temptجميع oneالامتدادات to regardمن themحركة asواحدة allالتي outgrowthsتنتقل ofمن aواحد singleإلى movementآخر. whichمن passedأجل fromلا oneشيء toيمكن another;أن forيكون nothingأكثر couldطبيعية beمن moreأن naturalنفترض thanأن toهذه presumeالسمات thatالمشتركة theseضمنا commonلها featuresأصل implied a common ancestryمشترك. Yetبعد such is not theهذه fact,ليست forحقيقة،for in each of these four lands the movement, instead of having originated elsewhere, and been translated only after attaining mature growth, appears to have sprung independently and directly from its own native roots, and to have been influenced by other and similar movements only after it had already developed an independent life and character of its own." Earl Morse Wilbur, ''A History of Unitarianism'', vol. 2 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1952), p. 166.</ref>
The ''Ecclesia minor'' or ''Minor Reformed Church of Poland'', better known today as the [[Polish Brethren]], was born as the result of a controversy that started on January 22, 1556, when [[Piotr of Goniądz]] (Peter Gonesius), a Polish student, spoke out against the [[doctrine of the Trinity]] during the general synod of the Reformed ([[Calvinist]]) churches of Poland held in the village of [[Secemin]].<ref>Hewett, ''Racovia'', pp. 20–1.</ref> After nine years of debate, in 1565, the anti-Trinitarians were excluded from the existing synod of the [[Polish Reformed Church]] (henceforth the ''Ecclesia maior'') and they began to hold their own synods as the ''Ecclesia minor''. Though frequently called "Arians" by those on the outside, the views of [[Fausto Sozzini]] became the standard in the church, and these doctrines were quite removed from [[Arianism]]. So important was Sozzini to the formulation of their beliefs that those outside Poland usually referred to them as [[Socinianism|Socinians]]. The Polish Brethren were disbanded in 1658 by the [[Sejm]] (Polish Parliament). They were ordered to convert to Roman Catholicism or leave Poland. Most of them went to Transylvania or Holland, where they embraced the name "Unitarian." Sozzini's grandson [[Andrzej Wiszowaty Sr.]] in 1665–1668 published ''Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant'' (''Library of the Polish Brethren who are called Unitarians'' 4 vols. 1665–69).