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سطر 1:
[[Image:Dendrochronological drill hg.jpg|thumb|240px|Drillالحفر forفي dendrochronologyجذع samplingشجرة andللحصول growthعلى ringعينات countingلتحديد عمرها عن طريق عد الحلقات]]
[[Image:tree.ring.arp.jpg|thumb|240px|Theحلقات growthنمو ringsشجرة ofمن aحديقة treeحيوان atبريستول [[Bristolفي Zoo]], Englandإنكلترا. Each ring representsكل oneحلقة year;تمثل theعاماً outsideمن rings,عمر nearالشجرة، theالحلقات bark,الخارجية areهي theالأصغر youngestعمراً.]]
'''Dendrochronology''' (from {{lang|grc|[[wiktionary:δένδρον|δένδρον]]}}, ''dendron'', "tree limb"; {{lang|grc|[[wiktionary:χρόνος|χρόνος]]}}, ''khronos'', "time"; and {{lang|grc|[[wiktionary:-λογία|-λογία]]}}, ''[[wiktionary:-logia|-logia]]'') or '''tree-ring dating''' is the scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of '''tree rings''', also known as '''growth rings'''. Dendrochronology can date the time at which tree rings were formed, in many types of wood, to the exact calendar year. This has three main areas of application: [[paleoecology]], where it is used to determine certain aspects of past [[ecology|ecologies]] (most prominently climate); [[archaeology]], where it is used to date old buildings, etc.; and [[radiocarbon dating]], where it is used to calibrate radiocarbon ages (see below).