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[مراجعة غير مفحوصة][مراجعة غير مفحوصة]
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سطر 45:
{{ثبت المراجع}}
{{تصنيف كومنز|Rana}}
* {{aut|Cai, Hong-xia; Che, Jing, Pang, Jun-feng; Zhao, Er-mi & Zhang, Ya-ping}} (2007): Paraphyly of Chinese ''Amolops'' (Anura, Ranidae) and phylogenetic position of the rare Chinese frog, ''Amolops tormotus''. ''[[Zootaxa]]'' '''1531''': 49–55. [<a href="http://amphibiatree.org/files/CaiETAL2008_AmolopsZootaxa.pdf">http://amphibiatree.org/files/CaiETAL2008_AmolopsZootaxa.pdf</a> PDF fulltext]
* {{aut|Cogger, H.G.; Zweifel, R.G. & Kirschner, D.}} (2004): ''Encyclopedia of Reptiles & Amphibians'' (2nd ed.). Fog City Press. <small>ISBN 1-877019-69-0</small>
* {{aut|Frost, Darrel R.}} (2006): Amphibian Species of the World Version 3 - [<a href="http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/references.php?id=15026">http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/references.php?id=15026</a> Petropedetidae Noble, 1931]. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Retrieved 2006-AUG-05.
* {{aut|Frost, Darrel R. ''et al.''}} (2006): The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Number 297. New York.
* {{aut|Gordon, Malcolm S.; [[Knut Schmidt-Nielsen|Schmidt-Nielsen]], Knut & Kelly, Hamilton M.}} (1961): Osmotic Regulation in the Crab-Eating Frog (''Rana cancrivora''). ''[[Journal of Experimental Biology|J. Exp. Biol.]]'' '''38'''(3): 659–678. [<a href="http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/reprint/38/3/659.pdf">http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/reprint/38/3/659.pdf</a> PDF fulltext]
* {{aut|Hillis, D.M.}} (2007) Constraints in naming parts of the Tree of Life. ''[[Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution|Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.]]'' '''42'''(2): 331–338. <small>{{doi|10.1016/j.ympev.2006.08.001}}</small> [<a href="http://www.cnah.org/pdf_files/679.pdf">http://www.cnah.org/pdf_files/679.pdf</a> PDF fulltext]
* {{aut|Hillis, D.M. & Wilcox, T.P.}} (2005): Phylogeny of the New World true frogs (''Rana''). ''[[Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution|Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.]]'' '''34'''(2): 299–314. <small>{{doi|10.1016/j.ympev.2004.10.007}}</small> [<a href="http://www.cnah.org/pdf_files/215.pdf">http://www.cnah.org/pdf_files/215.pdf</a> PDF fulltext]
* {{aut|Kotaki, Manabu; Kurabayashi, Atsushi; Matsui, Masafumi; Khonsue, Wichase; Djong, Tjong Hon; Tandon, Manuj & Sumida, Masayuki}} (2008): Genetic Divergences and Phylogenetic Relationships Among the ''Fejervarya limnocharis'' Complex in Thailand and Neighboring Countries Revealed by Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genes. ''[[Zoological Science|Zool. Sci.]]'' '''25'''(4): 381–390. <small>{{doi|10.2108/zsj.25.381}}</small> (HTML abstract)
* {{Aut|Pauly, Greg B., Hillis, David M. & Cannatella, David C.}} (2009): Taxonomic freedom and the role of official lists of species names. ''Herpetologica'' '''65''': 115-128. </small>
* {{aut|Stuart, Bryan L.}} (2008): The phylogenetic problem of ''Huia'' (Amphibia: Ranidae). ''[[Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution|Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.]]'' '''46'''(1): 49-60. <small>{{doi|10.1016/j.ympev.2007.09.016}}</small> [<a href="http://www.bryanlstuart.com/site/Publications_files/Stuart%202008%20Huia.pdf">http://www.bryanlstuart.com/site/Publications_files/Stuart%202008%20Huia.pdf</a> PDF fulltext]
==وصلات خارجية==
*[<a href="http://www.amphibia.my/page.php?pageid=Browse%20Species%20Guide&family=Ranidae%20(True%20Frogs)">http://www.amphibia.my/page.php?pageid=Browse%20Species%20Guide&family=Ranidae%20(True%20Frogs)</a> Amphibian and Frogs of Peninsular Malaysia - Family Ranidae]
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