فترة الربيع والخريف: الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
لا ملخص تعديل
لا ملخص تعديل
سطر 33:
|title=Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations
|publisher=Infobase Publishing
|first=Victoria Tin-bor
|title=Toward a dynamic theory of international politics: Insights from comparing ancient China and early modern Europe
|journal=International Organization
السطر 64 ⟵ 47:
|publisher=Cambridge University Press
|title=War and bureaucratization in Qin China: Exploring an anomalous case
|journal=American Sociological Review
|first=Mark Edward
|editor-first=Mogens Herman
|chapter=The City-State in Spring-and-Autumn China
|title=A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures: An Investigation
|publisher=The Royal Danish Society of Arts and Letters
السطر 98 ⟵ 55:
|publisher=University of Hawaii Press
|first=Edward L.
|chapter=Western Zhou History
|editor2-first=Edward L.
|title=The Cambridge history of ancient China: from the origins of civilization to 221 B.C.
|publisher=Cambridge University Press
|title=China: five thousand years of history and civilization
|place=Hong Kong
|publisher=University of Hong Kong Press
==كتابات أخرى==
* Ebrey, Patricia Buckley (1999). ''The Cambridge Illustrated History of China''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-66991-X ‏(paperback).
==وصلات خارجية==
* [http://ctext.org/dynasty.pl?if=en&dynasty=27 Rulers of the states of Zhou], linked to their occurrences in classical Chinese texts
{{DEFAULTSORT:Spring And Autumn Period}}
{{Link FA|fr}}
[[zh-min-nan:Chhun-chhiu Sî-tāi]]
[[br:Marevezh an Nevezamzerioù ha Diskar-amzerioù]]
[[ca:Primaveres i Tardors]]
[[cs:Období Jara a Podzimu]]
[[da:Forårs- og efterårsperioden]]
[[de:Zeit der Frühlings- und Herbstannalen]]
[[es:Primaveras y Otoños]]
[[fr:Période des Printemps et Automnes]]
[[hak:Chhûn-chhiû Sṳ̀-khì]]
[[ko:춘추 시대]]
[[hi:बसंत और शरद काल]]
[[id:Zaman Musim Semi dan Gugur]]
[[it:Periodo delle primavere e degli autunni]]
[[he:תקופת האביב והסתיו]]
[[ka:ჩუნციუს პერიოდი]]
[[nl:Periode van Lente en Herfst]]
[[no:Vår- og høstannalenes tid]]
[[pl:Okres Wiosen i Jesieni]]
[[pt:Período das Primaveras e Outonos]]
[[ru:Период Чуньцю]]
[[sk:Obdobie jari a jesene]]
[[sh:Period Proljeća i Jeseni]]
[[fi:Kevättä ja syksyä]]
[[sv:Vår- och höstperioden]]
[[tr:İlkbahar ve Sonbahar Dönemi]]
[[vi:Xuân Thu]]