جنيبة: الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
لا ملخص تعديل
ط r2.7.2+) (روبوت إضافة: sah:Сэппэрээк
سطر 1:
[[ملف:Cytisus scoparius2.jpg|تصغير|250px|شمال|A broom shrub in flower.]]
'''الجنبة''' مصطلح يطلق على [[نبات|النباتات]] [[نبات معمر|المعمرة]] القصيرة بطبيعتها التي تتفرع عند سطح الأرض، وتستعمل بكثرة في حدائق الزينة لأوراقها الملونة أو أزهارها البديعة أو أشكالها اللطيفة. ويستعمل بعضها سياجاً حول الحدائق يطاوع القص، ويكيف تبعاً لأشكال مختلفة ويكون بعضها نباتات اقتصادية كما في القطن والشاي.<ref>الموسوعة العربية الميسرة، 1965. على موقع شبكة المعرفة الريفية. [http://encyc.reefnet.gov.sy/?page=entry&id=189446 جنبة]. تاريخ الولوج 10 نيسان 2012.</ref>
[[ملف:Sheringham Park 1.JPG|تصغير|250px|شمال|A Rhododendron shrubbery in Sheringham Park.]]
'''الشجيرة''' تصنف [[علم البستنة|بستانيا]] أكثر من كونها [[علم النبات|نباتيا]]، بأنها من صنف النباتات الخشبية. ويفرق بينها وبين [[شجرة|الشجر]] بسيقانها ذات الطبقات المتعدده و [[ارتفاع|بارتفاعها]]، الذي لا يتجاوز 5-6 مترات (5-12 قدم).
== المصادر ==
ويمكن لعدد لابأس يه من النباتات أن يصنف كشجر أو شجيرات، معتمدا على ظروف النمو المحيطه مثل شجيرات ال[[خزامى]]، ال[[عناقية]] و ال[[زعتر]]. و الشجيرات في الحدائق تكون عادة من [[مغطاة البذور]]، وعدد قليل جدا منها من [[المخروطيات]]. وتتنوع الشجيرات ما بين ال[[نفضية]] و [[مستديمة الخضرة|المستديمة الخضرة]].
== الشكل العلمي النباتي للشجيرات ==
In botany and [[ecology]] a shrub is more specifically used to describe the particular [[Canopy (biology)|physical structural]] or [[plant life-form]] of woody plants which are less than 8 m high and usually have many stems arising at or near the base.
For example, a descriptive system widely adopted in [[Australia]] is based on structural characteristics based on life-form, plus the height and amount of foliage cover of the tallest layer or [[Dominance (ecology)|dominant]] [[species]].<ref>Costermans, L. F. (1993) ''Native trees and shrubs of South-Eastern Australia''. rev. ed. ISBN 0-947116-76-1</ref>
For shrubs 2–8 m high the following structural forms are categorized:
* dense foliage cover (70–100%) — '''closed-[[Scrubland|scrub]]'''
* mid-dense foliage cover (30–70%) — '''open-[[Scrubland|scrub]]'''
* sparse foliage cover (10–30%) — '''tall [[shrubland]]'''
* very sparse foliage cover (<10%) — '''tall open [[shrubland]]'''
For shrubs less than 2 m high the following structural forms are categorized:
* dense foliage cover (70–100%) — '''closed-[[heath (habitat)|heath]]'''
* mid-dense foliage cover (30–70%) — '''open-[[heath (habitat)|heath]]'''
* sparse foliage cover (10–30%) — '''low [[shrubland]]'''
* very sparse foliage cover (<10%) — '''low open [[shrubland]]'''
== قائمة الشجيرات ==
Those marked * can also develop into tree form.
|- valign=top
* ''[[Abelia]]'' ([[Abelia]])
* ''[[Actinidia]]'' ([[Actinidia]])
* ''[[Aloe]]'' ([[Aloe]])
* ''[[Aralia]]'' ([[Angelica Tree]], [[Hercules' Club]]) *
* ''[[Arctostaphylos]]'' ([[Bearberry]], [[Manzanita]]) *
* ''[[Aronia]]'' ([[Chokeberry]])
* ''[[Artemisia (plant)|Artemisia]]'' ([[Sagebrush]])
* ''[[Aucuba]]'' ([[Aucuba]])
* ''[[Berberis]]'' ([[Barberry]])
* ''[[Bougainvillea]]'' ([[Bougainvillea]])
* ''[[Brugmansia]]'' ([[Brugmansia|Angel's trumpet]])
* ''[[Buddleja]]'' ([[Butterfly bush]])
* ''[[Buxus]]'' ([[Buxus|Box]]) *
* ''[[Calia]]'' ([[Mescalbean]])
* ''[[Callicarpa]]'' ([[Beautyberry]]) *
* ''[[Callistemon]]'' ([[Bottlebrush]]) *
* ''[[Calluna]]'' (Heather)
* ''[[Calycanthus]]'' ([[Sweetshrub]])
* ''[[Camellia]]'' ([[Camellia]], [[Tea]]) *
* ''[[Caragana]]'' ([[Pea-tree]]) *
* ''[[Carpenteria]]'' ([[Carpenteria]])
* ''[[Caryopteris]]'' ([[Blue Spiraea]])
* ''[[Cassiope]]'' ([[Moss-heather]])
* ''[[Ceanothus]]'' ([[Ceanothus]]) *
* ''[[Celastrus]]'' ([[Staff vine]]) *
* ''[[Ceratostigma]]'' ([[Hardy Plumbago]])
* ''[[Cercocarpus]]'' ([[Mountain-mahogany]]) *
* ''[[Chaenomeles]]'' ([[Japanese Quince]])
* ''[[Chamaebatiaria]]'' ([[Fernbush]])
* ''[[Chamaedaphne]]'' ([[Leatherleaf]])
* ''[[Chimonanthus]]'' ([[Wintersweet]])
* ''[[Chionanthus]]'' ([[Fringe-tree]]) *
* ''[[Choisya]]'' ([[Mexican-orange Blossom]]) *
* ''[[Cistus]]'' ([[Rockrose]])
* ''[[Clerodendrum]]'' ([[Clerodendrum]])
* ''[[Clethra]]'' ([[Summersweet]], [[Pepperbush]]) *
* ''[[Clianthus]]'' ([[Glory Pea]])
* ''[[Colletia]]'' ([[Colletia]])
* ''[[Colutea]]'' ([[Bladder Senna]])
* ''[[Comptonia]]'' ([[Sweetfern]])
* ''[[Dogwood|Cornus]]'' ([[Dogwood]]) *
* ''[[Corylopsis]]'' ([[Winter-hazel]]) *
* ''[[Cotinus]]'' ([[Smoketree]]) *
* ''[[Cotoneaster]]'' ([[Cotoneaster]]) *
* ''[[Cowania]]'' ([[Cliffrose]])
* ''[[Crataegus]]'' ([[Crataegus|Hawthorn]]) *
* ''[[Crinodendron]]'' ([[Crinodendron]]) *
* ''[[Cytisus]]'' and allied genera ([[Broom (shrub)|Broom]]) *
* ''[[Daboecia]]'' ([[Heath]])
* ''[[Danae (plant)|Danae]]'' ([[Alexandrian Laurel]])
* ''[[Daphne (plant)|Daphne]]'' ([[Daphne (plant)|Daphne]])
* ''[[Decaisnea]]'' ([[Decaisnea]])
* ''[[Dasiphora]]'' ([[Shrubby Cinquefoil]])
* ''[[Dendromecon]]'' ([[Tree poppy]])
* ''[[Desfontainea]]'' ([[Desfontainea]])
* ''[[Deutzia]]'' ([[Deutzia]])
* ''[[Diervilla]]'' ([[Bush Honeysuckle]])
* ''[[Dipelta]]'' ([[Dipelta]])
* ''[[Dirca]]'' ([[Leatherwood]])
* ''[[Dracaena (plant)|Dracaena]]'' ([[Dracaena (plant)|Dragon tree]]) *
* ''[[Drimys]]'' ([[Winter's Bark]]) *
* ''[[Dryas (plant)|Dryas]]'' ([[Mountain Avens]])
* ''[[Edgeworthia]]'' ([[Paper Bush]]) *
* ''[[Elaeagnus]]'' ([[Elaeagnus]]) *
* ''[[Embothrium]]'' ([[Chilean Firebush]]) *
* ''[[Empetrum]]'' ([[Crowberry]])
* ''[[Enkianthus]]'' ([[Pagoda Bush]])
* ''[[Ephedra (genus)|Ephedra]]'' ([[Ephedra (genus)|Ephedra]])
* ''[[Epigaea]]'' ([[Trailing Arbutus]])
* ''[[Erica]]'' ([[Heath]])
* ''[[Eriobotrya]]'' ([[Loquat]]) *
* ''[[Escallonia]]'' ([[Escallonia]])
* ''[[Eucryphia]]'' ([[Eucryphia]]) *
* ''[[Euonymus]]'' ([[Spindle (shrub)|Spindle]]) *
* ''[[Exochorda]]'' ([[Pearl Bush]])
* ''[[Fabiana]]'' ([[Fabiana]])
* ''[[Fallugia]]'' ([[Apache plume|Apache Plume]])
* ''[[Fatsia]]'' ([[Fatsia]])
* ''[[Forsythia]]'' ([[Forsythia]])
* ''[[Fothergilla]]'' ([[Fothergilla]])
* ''[[Franklinia]]'' ([[Franklinia]]) *
* ''[[Fremontodendron]]'' ([[Flannelbush]])
* ''[[Fuchsia]]'' ([[Fuchsia]]) *
* ''[[Garrya]]'' ([[Silk-tassel]]) *
* ''[[Gaultheria]]'' ([[Salal]])
* ''[[Gaylussacia]]'' ([[Huckleberry]])
* ''[[Genista]]'' ([[Broom (shrub)|Broom]]) *
* ''[[Gordonia]]'' ([[Loblolly-bay]]) *
* ''[[Grevillea]]'' ([[Grevillea]])
* ''[[Griselinia]]'' ([[Griselinia]]) *
* ''[[Hakea]]'' ([[Hakea]]) *
* ''[[Halesia]]'' ([[Silverbell]]) *
* ''[[Halimium]]'' ([[Rockrose]])
* ''[[Hamamelis]]'' ([[Witch-hazel]]) *
* ''[[Hebe (plant)|Hebe]]'' ([[Hebe (plant)|Hebe]])
* ''[[Hedera]]'' ([[Hedera|Ivy]])
* ''[[Helianthemum]]'' ([[Rockrose]])
* ''[[Hibiscus]]'' ([[Hibiscus]]) *
* ''[[Hippophae]]'' ([[Sea-buckthorn]]) *
* ''[[Hoheria]]'' ([[Lacebark]]) *
* ''[[Holodiscus]]'' ([[Creambush]])
* ''[[Hudsonia]]'' ([[Hudsonia]])
* ''[[Hydrangea]]'' ([[Hydrangea]])
* ''[[Hypericum]]'' ([[Hypericum calycinum|Rose of Sharon]])
* ''[[Hyssopus]]'' ([[Hyssop]])
* ''[[Haithisus]]''([[Zacassholissus]])*
* ''[[Ilex]]'' ([[Holly]]) *
* ''[[Illicium]]'' ([[Star Anise]]) *
* ''[[Indigofera]]'' ([[Indigo plant|Indigo]])
* ''[[Itea (plant)|Itea]]'' ([[Sweetspire]])
* ''[[Jamesia]]'' ([[Cliffbush]])
* ''[[Jasminum]]'' ([[Jasmine]])
* ''[[Juniperus]]'' ([[Juniper]]) *
* ''[[Kalmia]]'' ([[Mountain-laurel]])
* ''[[Kerria (plant)|Kerria]]'' (Kerria)
* ''[[Kolkwitzia]]'' ([[Beautybush|Beauty-bush]])
* ''[[Lagerstroemia]]'' ([[Crape-myrtle]]) *
* ''[[Lapageria]]'' ([[Copihue]])
* ''[[Lantana]]'' ([[Lantana]])
* ''[[Lavandula]]'' ([[Lavender]])
* ''[[Lavatera]]'' ([[Tree Mallow]])
* ''[[Ledum]]'' ([[Ledum]])
* ''[[Leitneria]]'' ([[Leitneria|Corkwood]]) *
* ''[[Lespedeza]]'' ([[Bush Clover]]) *
* ''[[Leptospermum]]'' ([[Manuka]]) *
* ''[[Leucothoe (plant)|Leucothoe]]'' ([[Doghobble]])
* ''[[Leycesteria]]'' ([[Leycesteria]])
* ''[[Ligustrum]]'' ([[Privet]]) *
* ''[[Lindera]]'' ([[Spicebush]]) *
* ''[[Linnaea]]'' ([[Twinflower]])
* ''[[Lonicera]]'' ([[Honeysuckle]])
* ''[[Lupinus]]'' ([[Lupin|Tree Lupin]])
* ''[[Lycium]]'' ([[Boxthorn]])
* ''[[Magnolia]]'' ([[Magnolia]])
* ''[[Mahonia]]'' ([[Mahonia]])
* ''[[Malpighia]]'' ([[Acerola]])
* ''[[Menispermum]]'' ([[Moonseed]])
* ''[[Menziesia]]'' ([[Menziesia]])
* ''[[Mespilus]]'' (Medlar) *
* ''[[Microcachrys]]'' ([[Microcachrys]])
* ''[[Myrica]]'' ([[Bayberry]]) *
* ''[[Myricaria]]'' ([[Myricaria]])
* ''[[Myrtus]]'' and allied genera ([[Myrtus|Myrtle]]) *
* ''[[Neillia]]'' ([[Neillia]])
* ''[[Nerium]]'' ([[Oleander]])
* ''[[Olearia]]'' ([[Daisy Bush]]) *
* ''[[Osmanthus]]'' ([[Osmanthus]])
* ''[[Pachysendra]]'' ([[Pachysandra]])
* ''[[Peony|Paeonia]]'' ([[Peony|Tree-peony]])
* ''[[Perovskia]]'' ([[Russian Sage]])
* ''[[Philadelphus]]'' ([[Mock-orange]]) *
* ''[[Phlomis]]'' ([[Jerusalem Sage]])
* ''[[Photinia]]'' ([[Photinia]]) *
* ''[[Physocarpus]]'' ([[Ninebark]]) *
* ''[[Pieris (plant)|Pieris]]'' ([[Pieris (plant)|Pieris]])
* ''[[Pistacia]]'' ([[Pistachio]], [[Mastic]]) *
* ''[[Pittosporum]]'' ([[Pittosporum]]) *
* ''[[Plumbago]]'' ([[Leadwort]])
* ''[[Polygala]]'' ([[Milkwort]])
* ''[[Poncirus]]'' *
* ''[[Prunus]]'' ([[Prunus|Cherry]]) *
* ''[[Purshia]]'' ([[Antelope Bush]])
* ''[[Pyracantha]]'' ([[Firethorn]])
* ''[[Quassia]]'' ([[Quassia]]) *
* ''[[Oak|Quercus|]]'' ([[Oak]]) *
* ''[[Quillaja]]'' ([[Quillay]])
* ''[[Quintinia]]'' ([[Tawheowheo]]) *
* ''[[Buckthorn|Rhamnus]]'' ([[Buckthorn]]) *
* ''[[Rhododendron]]'' ([[Rhododendron]], [[Azalea]]) *
* ''[[Rhus]]'' ([[Sumac]]) *
* ''[[Ribes]]'' ([[Ribes|Currant]])
* ''[[Romneya]]'' ([[Tree poppy]])
* ''[[Rose|Rosa]]'' ([[Rose]])
* ''[[Rosmarinus]]'' ([[Rosemary]])
* ''[[Rubus]]'' ([[Bramble]])
* ''[[Ruta]]'' ([[Rue]])
* ''[[Sabia]]'' *
* ''[[Salix]]'' ([[Willow]]) *
* ''[[Salvia]]'' ([[Salvia|Sage]])
* ''[[Sambucus]]'' ([[Elderberry|Elder]]) *
* ''[[Santolina]]'' ([[Lavender Cotton]])
* ''[[Sapindus]]'' ([[Soapberry]]) *
* ''[[Senecio]]'' ([[Senecio]])
* ''[[Jojoba|Simmondsia]]'' ([[Jojoba]])
* ''[[Skimmia]]'' ([[Skimmia]])
* ''[[Smilax]]'' ([[Smilax]])
* ''[[Sophora]]'' ([[Kowhai]]) *
* ''[[Sorbaria]]'' ([[Sorbaria]])
* ''[[Spartium]]'' ([[Spanish Broom]])
* ''[[Spiraea]]'' ([[Spiraea]]) *
* ''[[Staphylea]]'' ([[Bladdernut]]) *
* ''[[Stephanandra]]'' ([[Stephanandra]])
* ''[[Styrax]]'' *
* ''[[Symphoricarpos]]'' ([[Snowberry]])
* ''[[Syringa]]'' ([[Lilac]]) *
* ''[[Tamarix]]'' ([[Tamarix]]) *
* ''[[Taxus]]'' (Yew) *
* ''[[Telopea]]'' ([[Waratah]]) *
* ''[[Thuja]]'' cvs. ([[Arborvitae]]) *
* ''[[Thymelaea]]''
* ''[[Thyme|Thymus]]'' ([[Thyme]])
* ''[[Trochodendron]]'' *
* ''[[Ulex]]'' ([[Gorse]])
* ''[[Ungnadia]]'' ([[Mexican Buckeye]])
* ''[[Vaccinium]]'' ([[Bilberry]], [[Blueberry]], [[Cranberry]])
* ''[[Vervain|Verbena]]'' ([[Vervain]])
* ''[[Viburnum]]'' ([[Viburnum]]) *
* ''[[Vinca]]'' ([[Vinca|Periwinkle]])
* ''[[Viscum]]'' ([[Mistletoe]])
* ''[[Weigela]]'' ([[Weigela]])
* ''[[Xanthoceras]]''
* ''[[Xanthorhiza]]'' ([[Yellowroot]])
* ''[[Xylosma]]''
* ''[[Yucca]]'' ([[Yucca]], [[Yucca brevifolia|Joshua tree]]) *
* ''[[Zanthoxylum]]'' *
* ''[[Zauschneria]]''
* ''[[Zenobia (plant)|Zenobia]]''
* ''[[Ziziphus]]'' *
== مراجع ==
{{ثبت المراجع}}
{{بذرة علم النبات}}
== انظر أيضا ==
[[تصنيف:شكلياء النبات]]
[[تصنيف:قوائم النباتات]]
[[vi:Cây bụi]]