التفاصيل لمدخلة السجل 8361327

15:13، 20 نوفمبر 2022: ATEFNABEL (نقاش | مساهمات) أطلق المرشح 38; مؤديا الفعل "edit" في Technological College. الأفعال المتخذة: عدم السماح; وصف المرشح: مقالات جديدة لا تحوي حروف عربية (افحص)

التغييرات التي أجريت في التعديل

The Faculty of Technology is located in Luxor Governorate - Thebes CityIts president: Adel Zinedine Mohamed MorsiThen, it started for the first year: 2022/2023The College of Technology publishes many departments, including:Department of wood industries .................................................. .................................................. .....And since wood is one of the most, important and used ,raw materials, therefore, the college administration, decided to establish a section,dedicated to it, from which you can learn everything related to the wood industry, from technical and engineering drawing, the foundations of shape design, and even the technology, related to wood industries.And then we give, you an overview of the most ,important uses of wood: ........................................ ...............................Wood is used in: the home foundation - construction and building - decorations - wooden household items - wooden toys - etc....

محددات الفعل

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[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
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'Technological College'
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'Technological College'
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ملخص التعديل/السبب (summary)
'Technological college'
نموذج المحتوى القديم (old_content_model)
نموذج المحتوى الجديد (new_content_model)
نص الويكي القديم للصفحة، قبل التعديل (old_wikitext)
نص الويكي الجديد للصفحة، بعد التعديل (new_wikitext)
'The Faculty of Technology is located in Luxor Governorate - Thebes CityIts president: Adel Zinedine Mohamed MorsiThen, it started for the first year: 2022/2023The College of Technology publishes many departments, including:Department of wood industries .................................................. .................................................. .....And since wood is one of the most, important and used ,raw materials, therefore, the college administration, decided to establish a section,dedicated to it, from which you can learn everything related to the wood industry, from technical and engineering drawing, the foundations of shape design, and even the technology, related to wood industries.And then we give, you an overview of the most ,important uses of wood: ........................................ ...............................Wood is used in: the home foundation - construction and building - decorations - wooden household items - wooden toys - etc....'
فرق موحد للتغييرات المصنوعة بواسطة التعديل (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +The Faculty of Technology is located in Luxor Governorate - Thebes CityIts president: Adel Zinedine Mohamed MorsiThen, it started for the first year: 2022/2023The College of Technology publishes many departments, including:Department of wood industries .................................................. .................................................. .....And since wood is one of the most, important and used ,raw materials, therefore, the college administration, decided to establish a section,dedicated to it, from which you can learn everything related to the wood industry, from technical and engineering drawing, the foundations of shape design, and even the technology, related to wood industries.And then we give, you an overview of the most ,important uses of wood: ........................................ ...............................Wood is used in: the home foundation - construction and building - decorations - wooden household items - wooden toys - etc.... '
حجم الصفحة الجديد (new_size)
حجم الصفحة القديم (old_size)
الحجم المتغير في التعديل (edit_delta)
السطور المضافة في التعديل (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'The Faculty of Technology is located in Luxor Governorate - Thebes CityIts president: Adel Zinedine Mohamed MorsiThen, it started for the first year: 2022/2023The College of Technology publishes many departments, including:Department of wood industries .................................................. .................................................. .....And since wood is one of the most, important and used ,raw materials, therefore, the college administration, decided to establish a section,dedicated to it, from which you can learn everything related to the wood industry, from technical and engineering drawing, the foundations of shape design, and even the technology, related to wood industries.And then we give, you an overview of the most ,important uses of wood: ........................................ ...............................Wood is used in: the home foundation - construction and building - decorations - wooden household items - wooden toys - etc....' ]
السطور المزالة في التعديل (removed_lines)
نص الصفحة الجديد، مجردا من أية تهيئة (new_text)
'The Faculty of Technology is located in Luxor Governorate - Thebes CityIts president: Adel Zinedine Mohamed MorsiThen, it started for the first year: 2022/2023The College of Technology publishes many departments, including:Department of wood industries .................................................. .................................................. .....And since wood is one of the most, important and used ,raw materials, therefore, the college administration, decided to establish a section,dedicated to it, from which you can learn everything related to the wood industry, from technical and engineering drawing, the foundations of shape design, and even the technology, related to wood industries.And then we give, you an overview of the most ,important uses of wood: ........................................ ...............................Wood is used in: the home foundation - construction and building - decorations - wooden household items - wooden toys - etc....'
مصدر HTML المعروض للمراجعة الجديدة (new_html)
'<div class="mw-parser-output"><p>The Faculty of Technology is located in Luxor Governorate - Thebes CityIts president: Adel Zinedine Mohamed MorsiThen, it started for the first year: 2022/2023The College of Technology publishes many departments, including:Department of wood industries .................................................. .................................................. .....And since wood is one of the most, important and used ,raw materials, therefore, the college administration, decided to establish a section,dedicated to it, from which you can learn everything related to the wood industry, from technical and engineering drawing, the foundations of shape design, and even the technology, related to wood industries.And then we give, you an overview of the most ,important uses of wood: ........................................ ...............................Wood is used in: the home foundation - construction and building - decorations - wooden household items - wooden toys - etc.... </p></div>'
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